Watch this space…

Testing testing 1 2 3 – is this thing on?

I realized I haven’t actually made a new post in over 5 years. I’ve got a bunch in “Draft” mode, but I’ll need to review those and see if any are worth keeping.

I have an idea for a video series which I hope to start recording soon, so keep yer eyes peeled!

Classic Mini: Nintendo Entertainment System coming Nov 2016

Classic Mini Nintendo Entertainment System

While Atari and Sega (among others) have been mining the mini-retro console market for over a decade, Nintendo has remained conspicuously absent – until now. The Classic Mini: Nintendo Entertainment System will be available this November for $59.95. [Pre-order on]

While I’m not the biggest Nintendo fan, this is a very compelling package. Wii controller support, HDMI output and a great list of included games: Continue reading “Classic Mini: Nintendo Entertainment System coming Nov 2016”

Whitesnake: The Purple Album Review

Whitesnake - The Purple Album cover

The Deep Purple family tree is a convoluted one. Aside from the numerous lineups over the years (referred to as “Marks” by the fans), the British hard rock forefathers’ branches wound their way through a number of offshoots and pre-existing acts.  Those included – but are by no means limited to – Rainbow, Black Sabbath, Gillan, Dio, Hughes/Thrall, and Whitesnake. Continue reading “Whitesnake: The Purple Album Review”

Atari 5200 Let’s Play: START (Part 1)

Atari 5200 with Pac-Man cartridge. Public domain image by Evan Amos.

Christmas morning, 1980. I must have been a good boy that year, because under the tree was a new Atari 2600 gaming console.  Along with the Combat pack-in cartridge and the seminal Space Invaders, I was in gaming heaven.  Many fond memories were had, but little did I know at the time that there was something bigger and better around the corner – the Atari 5200. Continue reading “Atari 5200 Let’s Play: START (Part 1)”